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  At the moment of chanting the name of the Buddha, the six sense-organs including eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are taken on the name of the Buddha. If the six sense-organs are free from other distractions, they will be purified, which is called pure thought. It is easy to get one pure thought, but it is very difficult to continue one after another. It is very difficult to keep one thought in one thing for ten seconds, one time or one item, and another thought will rise. “How to keep one pure thought one after another?” This requires continuous learning and training of pure thoughts. Place pure thoughts on the name of Namo Amitabha Buddha to keep other thoughts from arising. Thus, pure thoughts will get accumulated, which will gradually form a kind of concentration. As a result, pure thoughts can be achieved one after another. The name of the Buddha brings about one thought after another, so that one can slowly attain the right concentration (samādhi) of chanting the name of the Buddha.
