


  A correct approach is needed when we face the various obstacles and frustrations of life. Otherwise, life will become dark and gloomy, much like driving in unknown territory. To resolve an issue, we need to trace it back to its origin and understand its nature. A correct approach is key to living a bright life.


  All phenomena and problems share the same, universal nature: equality. They are but manifestations of this nature without essence.


  All things that happened in the past, be it yesterday or years ago, for good or bad, incurred an impact, bringing pleasure or suffering. These things ceased to exist at the very moment they occurred, leaving nothing behind. No essence can be found. Just like in our dreams, anything can happen. But after we wake up, nothing is left but memory. All phenomena and problems are equal because they are all as illusory as a dream.


  We should understand that this equality is the universal nature of all phenomena and life. By relying on this nature, or by understanding the nature through a phenomenon, we can practice this approach and solve a large variety of problems in our lives. Based upon this universal equality, we can enjoy real mutual respect, thus the opportunities of mutual communication, tolerance, understanding and support will increase accordingly; on the opposite, contempt, disdain, and carelessness shows disrespect. Leading, demanding and controlling others will inflict pain.


  To support someone means to supply and nurture other people’s mindset and actions in an effective, feasible, and gentle manner, make up for what they are short for, and help others improve themselves.  Support must be offered with no expectation of compensation and must be received voluntarily.


  Usually, while we claim to support others, we tend to dominate them under the pretext of good intentions, such as “I’m only trying to help”。 Our innermost thought is domination which is not genuine support. For example, some parents often demand that their children listen to them. They might claim to have sufficient reason to do so, saying “it’s for your own good”。 But once their children go against their will, parents will complain or feel wronged. This is not real support but a selfish act. Real support is based upon respect to empower children with the right approach and the capacity to observe the law of cause and consequence, then to help them reflect on and take responsibility of their own actions. Through this way, parents help their children free themselves from excessive attachment to all phenomena.


  Not only our families but also our times need more tolerance and support. Tolerance means understanding and allowing others to have a different perspective or idea. Support means offering the right way to help others free themselves from troubles, habits and confusion. These attitudes are different from control and demand, and will generate opposite results. By constant comparison, in-depth thinking and observation, we will come to learn and apply these doable approaches in our everyday life, improving life for the better.


  Tolerance and support are the manifestations of the equal nature of life; so are control and demand. However, the latter are different from the former in that they cause anxiety and inflict harm, which deter and obstruct people from discovering this equal nature.


  After we have a clear understanding of and return to this equal nature through phenomena, we will spend more efforts on what we should do such as being tolerant and supportive, and try hard to adjust what we shouldn’t do such as control and demand and return to the universal nature. We should not strengthen the duality of phenomena such as high and low, right and wrong, good and bad, thus we will not get lost. We will be equal and pure when we go back to the nature.

  原標題:學(xué)會包容支持他人 【 中英對照 】

