People are likely to experience self-pity during various events in their lives. Self-pity can be experienced in a straight forward way when related to external occurrences, material and emotional considerations. Grievances are unavoidable if we cannot return to the ultimate truth, the essential, enlightened nature of our mind lying at the bottom of our heart. One can hardly get rid of self-pity before they reach a perfectly clear state of mind.
There are infinite forms of life, but all suffer from different degrees of self-pity and it prevents them from reaching full awareness, enlightenment, a perfectly clear and unlimited heart; and some live in the deepest darkness and the most acute resentment. They are greatly attached to certain things and are completely restricted by Karma. Some suffer from self-indulgence, conflicts, hesitation or from the fact they haven’t obtained a perfect clear mind. There are as many sufferings as there are grievances.
However, enlightened people dismiss all kinds of sufferings or non-sufferings, they fully comply with the ultimate truth. Their enlightened nature is totally revealed and their broad and free mind is perfectly manifested. Only those who live by the enlightened mind can be free from all kinds of sufferings.
What we think, eat or use in daily life is submitted to constant change. And people suffer from self-pity as they experience impermanence in their habits and because of ever-changing circumstances. Some even suffer from resentment even if they have an open and free mind, because imperfection lies everywhere and they may undergo limitations even if their mind is clear.
So, if we are not awakened from this world,we may step into the trap of self-pity everywhere at any time.This is not something that we can avoid.so it is better for us to fearlessly face it.
For the highly realized ones, self-pity, obstacles and flaws can be solved in a blink of an eye. Relatively slower people will first acknowledge what makes them uncomfortable and then solve the problem. Others will start dealing with the problem when they cannot put up with their own grievances anymore. All of the above can be regarded as well advised and having good roots in karma.
But some people start to complain when they feel the pain of self-pity. Resentment may not be personal or linked to a particular event, it is often inexplicable and related to general unfairness in the world, bad luck or hard times occurring. And some others take revenge, hate and hurt others directly, they lose themselves and indulge in bad habits. We can make out grievances from anything in our lives, so if we do not take initiatives to solve this problem, it may cause much harm.
People who can deal with self-pity right upon the moment it appears and who can apply the wisdom of the sages to solve it are as rare as the moon or the sun in the sky. Usually whenever we notice some flaws in someone, grievances begin to arise, though we are reluctant to speak out people’s flaws.
The wise beings remain in great light with no darkness. Only the blind see darkness. The enlightened only share methods that bring light in our heart. It does not mean that they are unaware of karma but they recognise it as illusory, empty, beyond existence by nature. Therefore, the only solution to get out of self-pity lies in keeping our mind away from our and others’ karma. Flaws can be found in every kind of lives but light pervades all throughout the world and can solve all problems. Focusing on phenomena imperfections equals to fumbling in darkness and talk about dreams within a dream!
Thoroughly returning to our inherent nature and to what is real will help us to walk completely away from grievance. The easiest way to solve a problem is to solve it from its origin. And our mind is the closest convenience, it is something we are able to master, to handle and use in such matters.
Grievances surround our lives. Some face it and get enlightened from it, while some get lost and make futile efforts out of it. It is a serious matter to solve self-pity. No matter how hard we try it is impossible to solve this problem completely if we have a restless heart and mind. If we observe our life mindfully and thoroughly, we will avoid speculations and mental arguments, losing our faith, hurting ourselves and thus allow ourselves to letting go of personal mistakes. We will still feel restrains in our life, ambiguity in what we do, weaknesses in our impacts and confusion in our outcomes if we do not observe, experience and practise how to return to a pure, unlimited, perfect and empty nature in the bottom of our heart.
We forget ourselves when we reach extremes in life, and this kind of selflessness is the return to nature, to emptiness. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose and therefore nothing to fear. Fearlessness means to be as we are, so we feel no sense of deficiency, and then there is no grievances anymore. At this moment we experience and we are touched by the great beauty of life.
We should accept the imperfection in ourselves, while still acknowledging that we have the opportunity and method to apply perfect enlightened self-nature. Thus, we have goals in life and greatness to accomplish, and we know what we should rely upon and where we can find peace and happiness.
來自慈法法師的『生命之光 · 陽光早餐』
The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast
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