Worries, hatred, pique, subversion, etc., what confront us in our life, all come from grievance. Grievance is the source of all the misfortunes, and can represent all the worries, and therefore is a big problem. It is invisible for it usually underlies something, but it is a fuse that may detonate all the worries.
All the unhealthy acts come from it, like that one cannot adapt himself habitually to something, or cannot be satisfied materially, or like the misunderstanding or opposition between people, or the failure to take responsibilities, etc. So a method is a must to deal with it and to solve it.
We can observe it from many different perspectives, like the relation between family members, friends, colleagues or children, etc. For example, a child is often bullied at school and suffers enormous grievance. The reason is that he has developed the habit of ordering others about, often asking for this and that, and being irresponsible for his acts and words. It is acceptable among family members, but once he keeps this habit at school, he is very likely to be bullied by others or even by the whole class, with his grievance accumulated more and more. So we should educate our children to be independent, to be ready to help others and to respect others instead of being selfish or ill-mannered. Teach our children, from the time when they are very young, to live an independent life, and to learn to take responsibilities for what they have done.
Parents mustn’t do everything for children under the disguise of doing good to them. Otherwise you are actually depriving your children of the opportunity to grow up by themselves. It is the most disrespect attitude towards your children. The more you do ‘good’ to your children (they will be favorably impressed by it as for sure), the bigger the gap will be when someone do ‘bad’ to them. Accordingly, their dissatisfaction and rebellion can be as drastic as falling off a cliff. The so-called doing good to children is actually doing bad to them. As a result, both parents and children will suffer the grievance.
The same applies to the relationship between a couple, friends or colleagues, etc. After long time of accompany, you may always feel somewhat uncomfortable, or uneasy, etc.. Little by little, it accumulates into grievances till your dissatisfaction breaks out one day. Many things account for the grievances: habit, environment, memory, knowledge, or even right view. When you judge others from your personal”right view”, insisting that you are right and wondering why they don’t follow your right view, such dissatisfaction will lead to grievance.
With the accumulation of grievance, a minor problem will turn out to be a big problem, which will lead to destructive or subversive acts. For example, someone who seems to be very modest but without inner enrichment, often bring pressure and burden to himself. He is unclear about his hypocrisy, i.e., the inconsistency between his acts and his heart. At first, he may feel somewhat uncomfortable, and then little by little, he may feel pressured, dissatisfied and wronged. Once these feelings accumulate to some extend, destructive or subversive acts will occur. So we should pay attention to and be alert to it.
學(xué)會(huì)調(diào)整 Learn to adjust.
Firstly, we should learn to adjust, like adjusting destructive or subversive problems to be big ones, and big ones to be minor ones or none. Sincere and authentic attitude is important at this moment. When we feel uncomfortable or uneasy, ask ourselves first if what we try to achieve is not what we are truly willing to do, or beyond our abilities.You can make a wish to help others from your heart,but in terms of taking action, you should solve your own problems first. Only when your heart is rich and free enough to have space for others, you can offer help or support to others according to their need. Don’t have your kindness press yourself too hard, otherwise you will get burdened or wronged. Do what you are willing to and able to do, with nothing to be complained of or regretted. Impose no pressure on others as well as on yourself.
不猜測(cè)別人 Don’t guess others’ thoughts.
Don’t guess others’ thoughts, for minds are dramatically different among individuals and it is difficult for us to satisfy others’ need by guessing. It’s too difficult to have others satisfy yourself or have yourself satisfy others, and it’s also difficult to balance different individuals’ need. Only you can satisfy yourself. Only when you are satisfied, will you have the leeway to do something for others while feeling easy and happy. Thus you can distance yourself from discomfort, dissatisfaction and grievance.
有清晰的愿望 Your wish is clear.
Each individual life will suffer from grievance, and only a clear wish can solve it thoroughly. When your wish is clear, your heart is bright and a bright heart can shine on the darkness brought by the grievance so as to see through the grievance and attain its essence. A wish is made by following the essence,or the common nature. By following the force of perfect and pure essence, we can thoroughly solve problems like grievance, a sticky problem often following us in our life.
We should try to solve grievance, by having our wish shine on it, for our wish is clear and bright. Our wish is thorough, so it has the perfect force. Our wish follows the common nature, so it has purifying effect. Such force can play its role in every aspect of life. Have your wish to lead and shine. Don’t have your grievance overwhelm your wish, otherwise your grievance will spread over every corner of your whole life.
來(lái)自慈法法師的『生命之光 · 陽(yáng)光早餐』
The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast
原標(biāo)題:委屈的危害 [ 中英對(duì)照 ]
- 上一篇:拐個(gè)彎,壞事就是好事
- 下一篇:讓人生的這場(chǎng)戲圓滿落幕
- 最全的燒香圖解,燒香有何含義與講究?
- 皈依之后需要注意什么嗎 皈依佛門后的注意事項(xiàng)
- 開(kāi)天眼后究竟能看到什么?
- 楞嚴(yán)咒簡(jiǎn)介,什么人不能念楞嚴(yán)咒?
- 常犯邪淫者得十種苦報(bào) 從婚后出軌事件看出的因果報(bào)應(yīng)
- 地藏經(jīng)簡(jiǎn)介,地藏經(jīng)主要講什么?
- 《華嚴(yán)經(jīng)》簡(jiǎn)介,大方廣佛華嚴(yán)經(jīng)講什么?
- 佛教基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)
- 最簡(jiǎn)單的三皈依儀式-如何授三皈五戒居士?jī)x軌
- 持咒打坐的方法 持咒打坐的姿勢(shì)圖
- 為什么要學(xué)佛?有什么用呢?
- 心經(jīng)簡(jiǎn)介,般若波羅蜜多心經(jīng)內(nèi)容介紹
- 心經(jīng)入門
- 2020年佛教節(jié)日一覽表
- 佛教唱贊時(shí)法器打法
- 什么是佛教?佛教的精髓是什么?佛的定義呢?
- 為什么要燒香拜佛?燒香的含義是什么?
- 什么是咒語(yǔ)?佛教最神奇的九個(gè)咒語(yǔ)
- 佛教名詞
- 準(zhǔn)提咒簡(jiǎn)介,準(zhǔn)提咒功德及妙用
- 學(xué)佛前要了解的基本內(nèi)容
- 佛教和印度教的區(qū)別
- 持咒是什么意思?如何持咒?
- 佛咒入門
- 文殊菩薩心咒簡(jiǎn)介
- 皈依是什么意思?皈依三寶又是什么意思?
- 誦經(jīng)有訣竅嗎?誦經(jīng)的十二條訣竅
- 初入佛門該怎樣修行?
- 在家燒香有什么講究?一些禁忌千萬(wàn)不要觸碰!
- 皈依證怎么辦理?辦皈依證后的忌諱是什么?
- 女眾出家前須知,一生只有一次出家機(jī)會(huì)
- 往生咒簡(jiǎn)介,念往生咒要注意什么?
- 給去世的人上香的規(guī)矩
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- 觀自在是什么意思?怎么理解?
- 金剛經(jīng)入門
- 佛教因果定律
- 清心咒簡(jiǎn)介
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- 忉利天主是誰(shuí)?
- 授記有幾種方式?授記的四種類型
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- 覺(jué)性是永恒的、沒(méi)煩惱、證佛國(guó)
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- 以佛心來(lái)凈化自己內(nèi)在的妄心
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- 學(xué)會(huì)順其自然,在晴天時(shí)愛(ài)晴,在雨天時(shí)愛(ài)雨
- 念經(jīng)時(shí)可以控制妄念嗎?
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- 八正道是為人處世乃至成佛的八種正確方法和途徑
- 阿逸多菩薩是誰(shuí),是彌勒菩薩嗎?
- 佛教說(shuō)的隨緣是什么意思?隨緣的含義
- 管好自己,但行好事,莫論他人
- 四大皆空是哪四大,是什么意思?
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- 求神不如求己,命運(yùn)是掌握在自己手里的
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- 人幫人,心靠心,人心是相互的
- 不用花錢的七種結(jié)緣方式
- 殺生、妄語(yǔ)、不敬,在家居士不可以做的三件事
- 佛教的四無(wú)畏指的是什么?
- 佛教的大慈大悲是什么意思?
- 面對(duì)親人的病,家里的經(jīng)濟(jì)條件,心很亂,該怎么辦?
- 什么是信心不逆?
- 在床上哄孩子睡覺(jué)能唱彌陀圣號(hào)嗎?
- 佛教基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)
- 心經(jīng)入門
- 佛教名詞
- 佛咒入門
- 金剛經(jīng)入門
- 佛教因果定律
- 地藏經(jīng)入門
- 怎樣讀懂佛經(jīng)
- 佛教基本教義
- 佛咒簡(jiǎn)介
- 楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)入門
- 妙法蓮華經(jīng)入門
- 觀世音菩薩普門品入門
- 十小咒入門
- 佛教修行及戒律
- 藥師咒入門
- 六字大明咒入門
- 無(wú)量壽經(jīng)入門
- 華嚴(yán)經(jīng)入門
- 藥師經(jīng)入門
- 阿彌陀經(jīng)入門
- 佛教僧侶與居士及其源流
- 普賢行愿品入門
- 佛經(jīng)簡(jiǎn)介
- 虛云法師入門
- 六祖壇經(jīng)入門
- 佛教傳播與發(fā)展
- 楞伽經(jīng)入門
- 圣嚴(yán)法師入門
- 宗派簡(jiǎn)介
- 凈慧法師入門
- 解深密經(jīng)入門
- 佛經(jīng)入門
- 濟(jì)群法師入門
- 大勢(shì)至菩薩念佛圓通章入門
- 法增法師入門
- 昌樂(lè)法師《人生是道場(chǎng)》
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]什么是空想
- [佛經(jīng)名句]惡自受罪,善自受福,亦各須熟,彼不相待的解釋
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]什么是般若?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]什么是十力
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]虛空藏菩薩的形象如何
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]阿彌陀佛掌中蓮臺(tái)有何象征含義
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]什么是文字禪?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]佛為阿那律說(shuō)八大人覺(jué)的內(nèi)容是什么
- [生活故事]根不隨塵,心不在境
- [星云大師]學(xué)佛一定要經(jīng)過(guò)佛學(xué)院的教育嗎?
- [在家修行]佛說(shuō)的這七種布施,不用花錢就能做到
- [佛與人生]人不要想太多,餓了就吃飯,困了就睡覺(jué)
- [放生起源]寺院設(shè)立放生池在經(jīng)典或傳統(tǒng)上有什么根據(jù)?
- [白茶]什么是白茶,有哪些品種?
- [白茶]什么是白茶?白茶的簡(jiǎn)單介紹
- [佛與人生]面對(duì)別人的批評(píng),應(yīng)該怎么做?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]八關(guān)齋戒的解釋、戒相、功德利益