- 印光大師佛教問題問答集
- 開示問答
- 妙境法師佛學(xué)問答四篇
- 大安法師學(xué)佛答疑
- 濟(jì)群法師學(xué)佛答問
- 法清法師問答
- 虛云法師問答
- 慧光法師問答
- 正如法師問答
- 星云大師問答
- 明證法師問答
- 月悟法師問答
- 太虛大師問答
- 印光大師問答
- 濟(jì)群法師問答
- 良因法師問答
- 夢參法師問答
- 曙提法師問答
- 正澄法師問答
- 崇慈法師問答
- 覺燈法師問答
- 證嚴(yán)法師問答
- 慈法法師問答
- 門肅法師問答
- 明一法師問答
- 昌臻法師問答
- 道安法師問答
- 蕅益大師問答
- 蓮池大師問答
- 了幻法師問答
- 凈界法師問答
- 寬見法師問答
- 仁爵法師問答
- 玄若法師問答
- 智海法師問答
- 知義法師問答
- 月溪禪師問答
- 圣嚴(yán)法師問答
- 大安法師問答
- 如本法師問答
有人說: 金剛經(jīng)講性; 無量壽經(jīng)講相。佛法的性相圓融,就是要通過念佛往生凈土,這樣才是真空妙有、性相圓融。所以,還是應(yīng)該念佛求往生西方凈土。
The Diamond Sutra is preaching aboutthe Buddha nature or emptiness while the Aparimitayur Sutra (Sutra of Infinite Life) is teachingabout the phenomenon or the Form. The essence of Buddha Dharma is the oneness ofthe nature (or emptiness) and the phenomenon (or the form), which must berealized through chanting Buddha’s name and reborn in the Pure Landunder the blessing of Buddha. This is the only right way to realize the onenessof the nature and the phenomenon. Consequently, we should chant Buddha’s nameand pray for rebirth in the Pure Land. Isthis statement correct?
Master Joe Hope:
This statement is wrong! The reasons are as follows:
Firstly,TheDiamond Sutra never preached about the Buddha nature. Instead, the Diamond Sutra talks about thepractice of alms giving and helping all sentient beings attaining Buddhahoodwith attachment neither to the nature nor to the phenomenon. This is the onlyright way toward Buddhahood attainment. Doubtlessly, through practicing theDiamond Sutra, one will see the Buddha nature. This is why it can leadus to enlightenment, and Samyaksambodhi or Buddhahood attainment ultimately.
Secondly, the oneness of the phenomenon and the naturemeans that the phenomenon and the nature are inseparable because they aresimply one. It doesn’t mean the combination or theharmony of something empty in the east with another thing exiting in the west.Despite the logic mistakes in the statement, those who hold this view simplydon’t know what Buddha Dharma is about.
Thirdly, The logic mistakes of the whole statementalso lie in the irrelevant conclusion, since the discussion at the beginningdoesn’t necessarily lead to the conclusion in the end.Therefore, we can easily see that the conclusion is definitely invalid.
Fundamentally speaking, the reason for such blundersis the misunderstanding or utter ignorance about the Diamond Sutra. Onlyreading the theory or the words of the Sutra is far from enough, and can’t help us to achieve a complete understanding about the Sutra, let alonepractice or achieve enlightenment through the Sutra. This is a common problemwith Buddhist beginners, simply because they haven’t achieved deep comprehension about the Diamond Sutra yet.
It is the duty for every Buddhist practitioner topractice Prajna so as to see the Buddha nature, to get free from the Samsaraand to achieve Buddhahood ultimately. It’s really ridiculous for one to pray for being reborn in a Pure Land afterunderstanding the true meaning of the Diamond Sutra. If one clings tosuch beliefs and behaviors, it means that he doesn’t know what Prajna wisdom is and what the true meaning of Buddha Dharmais. For those who have Prajna wisdom, there’s no Buddha to pray for, nor is there a Pure Land to be born in. Theywouldn’t be attached to anything oranyone.
On the contrary, those who don’t know what Prajna is will definitely practice Samskrta, being attached tothe outside phenomenon and unable to put down any persistence or attachment.They think of nothing but “I”and they do nothing but crave and desire. How can they achieveenlightenment if they can’t put down the “Threefold Wheel”, that is the“I”, the “mine” and “the effort”? How can they attain Buddhahoodwithout deep belief in and true understanding about the Diamond Sutra?
Since they don’t really understand the Diamond Sutra, they always feel the necessity tocling to something, including the attachment to Buddha or the Dharma. As aresult, they are persistent in praying to Buddha and wishing to be born in theWestern Pure Land.
They should bear in mind what the Buddha said “Even the Buddha Dharma should be abandoned, not to mention the non-BuddhaDharma”。 Only through such practice canone attain Buddhahood ultimately.
As a Buddhist practitioner, one should make thetransition from a superficial understanding to a thorough and completecomprehension of the Diamond Sutra under the guidance and direction of avenerable master. Only through complete understanding can one develop complete faith,full apperception, true practice and solid confirmation, ultimately attainingenlightenment.
The Buddha has cautioned the later Buddhistpractitioners that “Instead of the beginner’s Dharma, one should practice in accordance with the Attainment Dharma”, which shall help us see our Buddha nature directly, and lead us to theright path toward Buddhahood attainment.
The Buddha has repeatedly stressed the importance andpreciousness of a human life, which is the only most suitable life form topractice Buddha Dharma. Just as the Buddha says that it’s a rare chance to be a human, and it is even a rarer chance to practiceBuddha Dharma.
The Buddha had been preaching Buddha Dharma forforty-nine years, while Prajna wisdom is the most important point going throughall his preaching. The Buddha’s main purpose is to help us toget thorough understanding of the Buddha Dharma and achieve Buddhahood duringthis very life time. The Diamond Sutra is truly such amethod to help us see our Buddha nature and achieve Buddhahood directly.
It is absolutely impossible for a man who has completelyunderstood the Diamond Sutra to fall back into craving for rebirth in anyland, nor is it possible for him to cling to any other desires or attachment,for he has achieved thorough comprehension of the Buddha Dharma and is a real Buddhistpractitioner toward Buddhahood attainment.
——譯者:若水隆丹 Translated byDiana Zhang
- 持大悲咒有何禁忌?
- 精進(jìn)念佛后家庭和事業(yè)為何會(huì)出現(xiàn)很多逆緣?
- 玄若法師答:為什么夜里持大悲咒會(huì)害怕?
- 元音老人:成佛的訣竅
- 楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)大致是在說什么?如何修楞嚴(yán)法門?
- 不孝有三是哪三個(gè)?不孝有三的含義是什么?
- 大悲咒問答
- 印光大師問答
- 佛咒問答
- 在夫妻臥室睡著后念佛,有罪嗎?
- 大安法師:家中佛堂的佛像應(yīng)如何擺放?
- 在家居士能看楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)或法華經(jīng)嗎?晚上能念地藏經(jīng)嗎?
- 地藏經(jīng)問答
- 妙量法師答:大悲咒當(dāng)手機(jī)鈴聲如法嗎?
- 心經(jīng)問答
- 大安法師問答
- 心里整天默誦楞嚴(yán)咒,方式對(duì)不對(duì)?
- 楞嚴(yán)咒問答
- 帕奧禪師答:天生有陰陽眼的人是否前生曾修行禪法?
- 南懷瑾問答
- 明一法師答:晚上能不能上香?為什么拜佛會(huì)哭?這是流淚佛?
- 星云大師問答
- 誦一部地藏經(jīng)能一起回向給在世去世的親人嗎?
- 念佛后,孩子的成績反而下降,是怎么回事?
- 金剛經(jīng)問答
- 舊財(cái)神像可以隨便丟掉嗎?該怎么處理?
- 養(yǎng)純白的貓是不是不吉祥?
- 佛前供水時(shí)需要打開供水杯的蓋子嗎?
- 因果問答
- 念佛問答
- 念大悲咒后感到胸中一朵蓮花盛開,這種感應(yīng)好嗎?
- 阿彌陀佛像可以佩戴嗎?有什么禁忌和需要注意的嗎?
- 星云法師答:運(yùn)氣不好時(shí)如何轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)?
- 良因法師答:散念《心經(jīng)》將近一年,改念《地藏經(jīng)》可以嗎?
- 念完阿彌陀佛圣號(hào)后,是否需要回向?
- 怎么判斷人死后是否去了西方?去極樂世界有何標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?
- 印光大師:如何得金剛經(jīng)的真實(shí)利益?
- 給老父母、丈夫等念《金剛經(jīng)》、《心經(jīng)》、往生咒可以嗎?
- 大安法師答:家中爬蟲成災(zāi)怎么辦?
- 元音老人答:《金剛經(jīng)》說:‘無人相,無我相’。誰說誰聞?
- 回向給阿耨多羅三藐三菩提是什么意思?
- 念誦觀世音菩薩圣號(hào)時(shí)如何觀想?用觀想菩薩形象嗎?
- 佛教為什么有這么多法門,有區(qū)別嗎?
- 看恐怖電影時(shí),明知所演皆是幻相,為何還是恐懼?
- “上報(bào)四重恩”的“重”怎么讀?
- 違五戒不殺生的愿,是不是破了不殺戒、不妄語二戒?
- 安樂八法的正命跟八正道的正命,是不一樣的嗎?
- 信愿念佛是專修,怎樣持咒念經(jīng)?
- 來生生到佛前是什么意思?
- 戒體是不持續(xù)的嗎?
- 如果一切法由心想生,那外境也是自己的心想出的嗎?
- 念佛號(hào)有沒有方向?
- 菩薩戒從善知識(shí)獲得,需要反復(fù)在佛像前自受嗎?為什么?
- 佛教的正命是什么意思,如何理解?
- 念佛修行到什么程度才可以往生?往生的條件是什么?
- 往生西方必須要一心不亂,發(fā)菩提心才能往生嗎?
- 如何看待善知識(shí),要如何依止世間的善知識(shí)?
- 往生一定要培植甚深的善根、積累廣大的福德嗎?
- 學(xué)佛人可以化妝嗎,學(xué)佛后化妝打扮是否如法?
- 發(fā)不起度眾生的菩提心,只想先往生,這樣能往生嗎?
- 佛菩薩圣誕時(shí),在家供佛需像寺院一樣按儀軌做嗎?
- 何者是“心”?是六識(shí)嗎?如何定義、理解和界定?
- 在特殊佛教日做供養(yǎng),功德有差別嗎?
- 為什么拋妻棄子的男人不遭報(bào)應(yīng),反而過得很好?
- 可以重復(fù)受戒嗎?
- 學(xué)佛學(xué)偏了,是因?yàn)闆]有真的深信嗎?
- 受五戒后犯了不飲酒戒和不邪淫戒,該怎么辦?
- 什么是“仰信” 、“通身靠倒”、 “作得生想”,如何運(yùn)用到念佛中?
- 如何可以讓愿力大過業(yè)力?
- 在家居士是可以自己審罪還是該請師父?
- 為什么度他人容易,度自己的家人卻很難?
- 小孩念佛怎樣回向?要回向嗎?
- 怎樣讓年輕人接受并歡喜聽經(jīng)聞法?
- 寺院為犯煞星順星是否如法?佛弟子能否順星?
- 為什么一念經(jīng)就有很多妄想,如何對(duì)治?
- 念經(jīng)過程中,可不可以有法喜?
- 為什么要知母、念恩、報(bào)恩,對(duì)眾生有意義嗎?
- 親人去世后,皈依證怎么處理?
- 遇到假和尚化緣該怎么辦?
- 幻化出來的眾生有貪愛嗎?
- 大悲咒問答
- 印光大師問答
- 佛咒問答
- 地藏經(jīng)問答
- 心經(jīng)問答
- 大安法師問答
- 楞嚴(yán)咒問答
- 南懷瑾問答
- 星云大師問答
- 金剛經(jīng)問答
- 因果問答
- 念佛問答
- 虛云法師問答
- 元音老人問答
- 風(fēng)水問答
- 楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)問答
- 夫妻問答
- 妙法蓮華經(jīng)問答
- 李炳南問答
- 皈依問答
- 瑪欣德尊者問答
- 趙樸初問答
- 無量壽經(jīng)問答
- 婚姻問答
- 財(cái)富問答
- 印光大師佛教問題問答集
- 夢參法師問答
- 子女問答
- 藥師咒問答
- 禪修問答
- 觀世音菩薩普門品問答
- 往生咒問答
- 往生問答
- 算命問答
- 藥師經(jīng)問答
- 阿彌陀經(jīng)問答
- 回向問答
- 佛經(jīng)問答
- 華嚴(yán)經(jīng)問答
- 蓮池大師問答
- [放生起源]寺院設(shè)立放生池在經(jīng)典或傳統(tǒng)上有什么根據(jù)?
- [感應(yīng)故事]心經(jīng)故事
- [白茶]什么是白茶,有哪些品種?
- [白茶]什么是白茶?白茶的簡單介紹
- [佛與人生]面對(duì)別人的批評(píng),應(yīng)該怎么做?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]八關(guān)齋戒的解釋、戒相、功德利益
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]袈裟是什么意思?為什么叫福田衣?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]為什么把佛法僧三者稱為“寶”?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]為什么要皈依三寶?歸投三寶令身心安穩(wěn)
- [人物故事]佛教貧女供燈的故事與啟示
- [佛經(jīng)故事]釋迦牟尼佛和菩提達(dá)多的雙頭鳥故事
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]食存五觀指的是什么?
- [人物故事]阿育王的小王妃須阇哆,持戒穿素服得寶珠
- [禪宗公案]老修行人“三十年不冒煙”的故事
- [佛經(jīng)故事]富孩子變窮孩子,《法華經(jīng)》窮子喻的故事
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]布施的意思與種類
- [佛經(jīng)故事]伽尸比丘尼身披袈裟出生的因緣故事