


  One thing most of us love saying in daily life is “I’m feeling…”, say, “I’m feeling upset”, while actually a more precise way to put it is “I’m made to feel…。”。  It is karma that makes us subjected to one feeling or another at any given moment.

  “This is how I feel” happens when we are subjected to our feelings, while “These are the feelings that I construct” takes place when we are able to rule Life and exercise it in a proactive manner. 


  Both dictated by Life as they are, being proactive is vastly different from being passive. It’s up to us to choose one way or the other: rule Life or subject Life to our feelings. This very act of choosing sets apart a proactive life and a passive one.  When we choose to exercise in a proactive manner, we will see that it is all about how to rule Life proactively. 


  Here is an example.  As we practice some physical exercise, we may experience pains here and there in our body, pains that are easily detectable.  However, when we are subjected to our feelings, we become less sure of how we actually feel and the differences between feelings become much less discernible, for they are not constructed by us.  If we exercise in a proactive way, we know what we “are capable of” and what we “are incapable of” with great certainty.  But if we just stay put and try to make sense of all these feelings, we won’t be as certain. This explains why we cannot rule Life with certainty and clarity when we are in a passive state of being.


  When we say “I’m feeling…”, we are subjected to the power of Karma.  Most of us spend our day thinking and talking about how we feel or, in case of caring for others, about how others feel, rather than how they “are constructing” or how they “are ruling”。 


  Therefore, we often hear doctors say “do some exercise!” or “go exercising!”, or others tell you that “you need some exercise” or “you need to exercise more”。  All of these remarks are kind reminders of the fact you need to be more proactive.


  There are people who never realize that they are passive until illness knocks at their door.  The more passive they are, the more constraints they will have in their lives. Unfortunately, most of the time, this realization almost always comes when it is too late to construct something proactively, for it usually takes a long while for passive people to notice their state of being with some clarity.  Passive Karma has become a life’s habit. Ruling your life in a proactive way brings clarity.  What a sharp contrast!


  We tend to ignore what is wrong in life when we are enjoying good health.  Yet when difficult time comes, we exclaim without hesitation,  “Oh, I feel pain!  I feel it!”  This is an example of our passiveness. Being passive or proactive can be just a hair apart!  Observe your life and you will know what I mean.


  Most doctors would suggest that we do more exercises.  It is an indicator of the fact of that far too often we have done very little to construct, examine and rule our life in a proactive way.  In general, we live our lives with little clarity - illness catches up and we go “alas, my head aches” or “alas, my hip aches” - we start to feel only when problems arrive!  To exercise in an active way is to take the initiative to construct and rule your feelings.  Your feeling is your effect.  Why don’t we instead take the initiative, examine our minds as we go, reconstruct our feelings and put an end to our previous karma?  Remaining passive with our feelings and unchanged with yourself, you are only going to continue your previous karma.

Take exercise


  Well, there will always be people who would rather wait whatsoever.  They will wait until they are sick and only then they will start to admit that they “cannot go on like this”。  Once you realize you “cannot go on”, you must go and practice - exercise, jog, have fun, wine and dine, simply have a life!  All of these actions are going to help you reconnect to Life’s feelings and stop dwelling on old karma.  On the contrary, if you keep saying “I’m done” or “I need a doctor”, you are only going to dwell deeper on your old karma, which in turn will grow stronger and harder.


  To construct proactively is to do it all over again.  It’s as simple as that!  Say no to ‘I am done’, say yes to proactive exercise and to reconstruction of feelings.  Yes, we all can do it.

來自慈法法師的『生命之光 · 陽光早餐』

The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast


原標題:主動鍛煉 | 中英文

