

  我們平時對別人的恭敬和關(guān)照,為什么常常起不到好效果,反而給自他帶來煩惱呢?因為我們的發(fā)心, 所謂的為他好、為他著想,自己犧牲、讓步等等,是建立在推測別人的基礎(chǔ)上的,并不見得是對方真正的需要。實際這個恭敬心有時會成為一種潛在的合理化要求或者期待——因為是主觀臆斷在起作用,里面的內(nèi)容不一定如實,會讓人感覺不舒服。

  We mostly treat people with respect and care about them. But why does it invariably induce worries to ourselves and others instead of producing the desired effect? Because the good wishes we have in our mind such as: “for the good of others”, “sacrifice my own interest for others”, or “make concession for others”, etc… are  based upon the conjecture or assumption we make about others, which is not necessarily correct. Actually, such “respect” sometimes may be an underlying demand, seemingly reasonable, or expectation from others. Since what we assume about our kin is not necessarily correct, our respect or care for others does not necessarily meet what they really need. Thus, our subjective assumptions may make people feel uncomfortable.


  Assumptions and deductions originate from doubt. Everyone’s mind, daily habits, ideas, ways to get along in relationships differ greatly from one another. It is tremendously difficult to understand precisely what the other needs. It is very hard to assume people’s thoughts, for assumptions are just like swamps in which the more we struggle the deeper we sink.


  I would be better advised to let people use their own mind to make it simpler and closer to their liking and needs.The ancient sages said that obedience is better than politeness. In other words, it is better to comply with others’ wishes deferentially than to decline them politely. To comply with others’ wishes means to fulfil an agreement without speculating.  Exchange ideas and express them clearly and then act according to what you say, or make an agreement and then follow it. For instance, when it comes to relationships, and all agree upon some project, those who are willing to participate are welcome to join, those who do not wish to participate are free not to take part in the activity. Then, everyone can have a clear understanding and accept the agreement.


  Accepting makes it smooth and natural for people to be respectful, while speculating brings awkwardness.The majority of people are kind-hearted and respectful, whether it be at home, at work or any collective environment. But many of them interact with others based on their assumptions. With so many different habits, customs and ideas, personal needs are, very often, hardly met. Seldom spoken out, complaints remain silent for fear of looking awkward. As a result, uncomfortable feelings grow and multiply and grievances arise.


  Only a contaminated heart may speculate; there is no chance for a completely pure heart to do so. Let us not make any judgment or assume what people are thinking too hastily lest we may be responsible for uncertain outcomes. It is quite possible that they may just be considering, that they are not sure yet about some matters, still ambiguous and hesitating as to their choices. At such moments any assumed interference could turn indecision into an irrevocable situation. With a pure, respectful and accommodating heart, observing peacefully, we can gradually step out of the swamp of conjecture and assumption.


  So, we should be patient and wait until their mind is clear and follow it with good blessing and positive attitude. Never let overtly sensitive speculations play a negative role. If so happens then you should repent and wash it away.


  With a pure, respectful and accommodating heart, observing peacefully, we can gradually step out of the swamp of conjecture and assumption.

來自慈法法師的『生命之光 · 陽光早餐』

The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast

原標題:走出臆測推斷的沼澤 | 中英文

