


  The conversion to Triratna---the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha---is the real beginning for a person to become a Buddhist. We can understand the Buddhist conversion in several different aspects:

  Firstly, it refers to the conversion ceremony, which is formally hosted by a venerable master and a conversion certificate is issued at the ceremony or afterwards.


  After this comes the conversion of one’s conceptions and feelings, whereby a psychological dependence is set up so that one can enjoy a sense of belonging and safety, hence one’s happiness index may immensely grow accordingly. So far, the conversion is completed in the religious meaning.


  However, as a real Buddhists, one should regard Buddhahood attainment as the final purpose of his conversion. So the most important step of conversion is the radical transformation of our conceptions. Consequently, one must upgrade his conversion from the primary stage of psychological dependence on Triratna to the earnest study and practice of Buddha’s teachings, confirming his determination of learning from the Buddha and generating Bodhicitta. Only by doing so can one completely understand the nature of life and the principle of the cosmos. As a result, one shall be able to master his life and the principles of the cosmos and finally attain Buddhahood through constant and painstaking practice.

  In order to comprehend Buddha’s teachings quickly and completely, one must carefully study Buddha’s teachings as much as possible. At the same time, one should try to find a venerable master as his guiding mentor, who will show him the right way to enlightenment and will finally lead him to Buddhahood attainment.


  At this stage, what one should do is to understand the genuine and authentic meaning of Buddha’s teachings. One must get rid of all prejudices or biases of schools or sects and bear in mind that no one should become attached to any sects since they are just ways or approaches instead of results or achievements. Some Buddhists follow a special sect and become so much attached to it that they depreciate or despise against any other sects or approaches. They become so narrow-minded that they may behave like warriors fighting against any other different sects or approaches. In order to gain more believers and bigger benefits, they even replace all Buddha’s teachings with their only sect. Such stupid behaviors will lead to the destruction of Buddhism. Therefore, one mustn’t become attached to whatever sect he is following. Instead, one must try to understand the genuine meaning of all Buddha’s teachings and keep practicing accordingly so as to attain Buddhahood quickly. In fact, all venerable masters of great achievements with no exceptions have transcended the prejudices and limitations of sects.



  During the whole process, one should often ask himself such questions: Is my heart still bounded? How much have I let go? Have I gained complete liberation? Have I generated Bodhicitta and great compassion for all sentient beings? Have I understood the genuine meaning of Buddha’s teachings?

  We can see from above that a real Buddhist conversion is the conversion both in form and in heart, and is actually a process of Buddhahood attainment.


  The conversion can also be divided into two kinds, extrovert conversion and introvert conversion. The former one refers to the conversion to the outside Triratna----converting to the outside Buddha such as our great teacher Buddha Shakyamuni or Buddha Amitabha , converting to the outside Dharma which refers to all the Buddha’s teachings, and converting to the outside Sangha which refers to all the practitioners who are walking in front of us in Buddhist practice, including all the great Bodhisattvas and Sangha groups consist of over three monks.

  The introvert conversion refers to the conversion to one’s inner Triratna---converting to one’s Buddha nature, converting to the approaches of Buddhist practice toward Buddhahood attainment, and converting to the original undifferentiated heart. It’s a great breakthrough to go from extrovert conversion to introvert conversion, which is also the process one must go through before attaining Buddhahood.


  In a word, as long as there is a distance between our heart and the heart of the Buddha’s, our conversion will keep going on and on.


Translated by Diana Zhang


