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【一】 何謂“開悟”? What is enlightenment?


  Enlightenment specially refers to one’s comprehension about how to get out of Samsara. Furthermore, it also refers to his rejection of all worldly ideas and concepts, as well as his right cognition and proper outlook on life and the universe. When one achieves enlightenment, he will not only realize that all the sufferings of sentient beings come from Avidya--the ignorance about life and the law of Karma, and that Samsara can be surpassed and transcended, he will also learn that the nature of all existent is Sunyata--emptiness, and that the nature of life is the Buddha nature. What’s more, he will be convinced that Prajna is the only right way to get out of Samsara. Therefore, he will try every means to practice and prove what he has realized. This is the how he begins to eliminate Avidya and tread on the right path of Buddhahood attainment.


  What does enlightenment actually mean? Firstly, enlightenment refers to Prajna wisdom, through which one shall know that Sunyata—emptiness is the nature of all existent and that returning to our Buddha nature is the only right way for attaining Buddhahood. When one is enlightened, he will suddenly realize that he has been living in a completely misguided world, and all his former ideas and concepts are wrong and prejudiced. Enlightenment is the awakening and sublimation of life, which shall lead us to the highest and most honorable life form.

【二】對“開悟”的常見誤解 A common misunderstanding of the "enlightenment"


  I Some Common Misunderstandings about Enlightenment:

  “What’s enlightenment?” This is a most commonly asked question of all Buddhists,which is also hotly discussed online. Let’s, first of all, give a basic definition about “enlightenment”。


  Many people regard a special feeling or experience as a kind of enlightenment. For example, some people mastered a principle of interaction with other people; some understood a technical problem, such as a physical law or an efficient way of sales and promotion; some learned why and how to do good deeds; some had special feelings or mastered some kind of supernatural power; Some felt the energy force inside their body was flowing more smoothly when they were meditating or chanting sutras; some saw a Buddha or a Bodhisattva in the sky, giving some kind of instructions on their practice; some began to think more acutely and accurately, even enjoying deeper inner peace and happiness………


  Many people take such feelings or experiences as enlightenment. However, these are not true enlightenment. True enlightenment means that one has found the right way of how to get out of Samsara and attain Buddhahood. Enlightenment is a big event for all sentient beings to transcend worldliness and attain sainthood. In other words, the word enlightenment is specially used for Buddhahood attainment.

【三】開悟的引導 The Right Guidance to Enlightenment


  There are diversified ways of enlightenment guidance. In principle, however, we need to stop all our thoughts and illusions by keeping our heart still and empty, thus perceiving the nature of all existent, which is Sunyata, emptiness. At the same time, we can also perceive the nature of our life, which is also called the Buddha nature. We shall be convinced that any thoughts or movement of our heart shall make us lost, seeing only outside appearances and phenomenon instead of the real nature and the true self. Only by keeping our heart still and stopping the use of our six senses can we perceive the true self, or the Buddha nature. Only by returning to our Buddha nature can we get rid of Avidya, our ignorance and prejudice about life and the universe, and finally enter the uncontaminated, unfettered, happy and peaceful state of life.



  The so-called heart here refers to the ceaseless mind of the ordinary people, which keeps thinking, judging, differentiating, reasoning and inferring, forming different ideas, concepts and emotions, etc.。 Returning to our Buddha nature is a process of “zero clearing”, which means keeping our mind empty by stopping all the thinking, judging, reasoning, differentiating and inferring. Thus, our heart shall return to a state of tranquility, peacefulness and emptiness, completely free from any worldly contaminations.


  Hui Neng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Zen Sect, tried to enlighten his disciple Hui Ming by saying, “When you stop thinking good or bad, you shall see your original self nature”whereupon Hui Ming was instantly enlightened. There are many ways leading to enlightenment. For example, you may try to feel the state where time stops and everything disappears. You can also feel the emptiness of your mind when you are suddenly struck. If you find the state, you might as well keep the state as long as you can.



  Doubtlessly, the best way to achieve enlightenment is to find an enlightened venerable master, studying and practicing with him for some time. As long as our heart returns to emptiness, we shall see our Buddha nature. Before being enlightened, we only see the outside phenomenon and are attached to them. After being enlightened, we shall see not only the outside phenomenon, but also the original Buddha nature. We shall reconsider our life and recognize the universe, thus we shall be convinced what the self-nature, or the Buddha nature, or the Dharmakaya, or the Tathagata-garbha or the One-True Dharma Realm really is.


  Enlightenment is the process of our recognition of life and the universe, starting from abandoning our attachment to the outside phenomenon to seeing our Buddha nature, thus forming our completely new outlook on life and the universe. The whole process needs our mind to cooperate. Enlightenment doesn’t rely on our mind, because it has nothing to do with the functions of our mind. The activities of our mind can only influence or interfere with the process of enlightenment. We’re attached to Samsara, simply because we use our mind in the wrong way. To achieve enlightenment, we should stop using our mind. Just like doing everything else, achieving enlightenment needs us to keep practicing, because practice makes perfect and practice shall bring us finally achievement.

【四】破三關 Three Stages Toward Buddhahood Attainment


  To attain Buddhahood, we need to go through three stages or three passes: achieving enlightenment, reinforcing practice and attaining Buddhahood.


  Achieving enlightenment is the first stage or the first pass. At this stage, one needs to instantly melt his inner world and the outside Dharma realm into emptiness, whereupon entering the clean and clear state of heart, which is completely free from any worldly concepts, judges, inferences and differentiations. Thus, we can see the nature of everything and everyone, which is the Buddha nature or the Dharmata.


  The most important stage for a Dharma practitioner is achieving enlightenment and seeing our Buddha nature. An enlightened practitioner, like a stray man who has found the brightest, broadest and smoothest way toward his cozy home, can see clearly his final achievement lying ahead. As long as he keeps going straight forward, he will undoubtedly reach his destination---Buddhahood attainment. Being enlightened means gaining Prajna wisdom, whereupon he perceives the emptiness of all existent, and seeing the Buddha nature, or the Dharmakaya. Enlightenment is the real beginning of Dharma practice.


  As soon as one is enlightened, his former concepts and comprehensions will instantly change into right ones. However, due to his long-formed habits and character, he may still develop incorrect or improper ideas such as greed, vexations, wild arrogance or attachment to this world, or unwillingness to reject Samsara, etc.。 This is the so-called disorientation after enlightenment, which will become serious obstacles for Buddhahood attainment.


  Consequently, the practitioner needs go on to the next stage: keeping practice with a firm will and solid confidence. He should develop infinite faith in the Dharma practice and firmly believe that Samsara is simple pain and vexation and that nothing in this world is enjoyable and retainable. He must go on with his enlightened practice, bearing it in mind that the nature of all phenomenon is emptiness and emptiness is displayed in phenomenon. At the same time, he should stick to Madhyamapraripad, the Middle Path, being attached to neither phenomenon nor emptiness.


  Only by doing this can he understand the Dharma and enter real Dharma practice. Achievement consists of two aspects: one is wisdom; the other is practice. Another name for Buddha is Vidyacarana-sampanna, which means being sufficient in both wisdom and practice. Therefore, achieving enlightenment is not the end of Dharma practice. One needs to keep practicing till he is perfectly sufficient in both wisdom and practice, thus attaining Buddhahood. Just like a new-born baby who needs time to grow up, one must go through the whole process, no matter how bright, broad, straight and smooth the road is toward Buddhahood attainment.


  After being enlightened, one should practice the Four Grand Oaths with stronger determination. At the same time, he should try to perfect himself by performing the six merits (alms giving, commandments observing; enduring humiliation; meditation, etc.。) and other related virtues. While doing all these, he should keep his heart clean and clear, peaceful and easy, free from any worldly attachments and differentiations, thus gradually eradicating his long-formed worldly habits and finally achieving the ultimate perfect enlightenment.


  As long as one keeps his heart in his Buddha nature, he is practically eradicating all his vexations, hence truly saving himself. On the other hand, he can also save others in the proper way, because only after being enlightened can one understands the real meanings of any Buddha’s teachings or approaches, and can he demonstrate his understandings to others in accordance with conditions and comprehensions of the audience. This is how one saves himself as well as all sentient beings in proper ways. With unremitting efforts, he shall finally attain Buddhahood, only for the purpose of best benefiting all sentient beings.

  This is the so-called practice after enlightenment.


  Meanwhile, one shouldn’t feel contented with the preliminary enlightenment. He must keep practicing by holding his heart in a clear awareness of the Buddha nature while keeping and enjoying such state of mind for as much as possible, without any distractions or attachments to phenomenon, until he can do so without any efforts or even awareness, thus achieving ultimate enlightenment and perfection. The whole process is called Reinforcement of Enlightenment. Master Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Zen Sect, was actually enforcing his enlightenment when he lived with the hunters in seclusion for fifteen years.


  The third stage is called Breakthrough Pass. By this time, the practitioner is perfect in his practice. He stays in his Buddha nature all the time, knowing clearly what is emptiness in phenomenon. He does everything clearly, easily and freely, without being distracted or contaminated by any phenomenon. This is real freedom and liberation, since all the Six Realms in Samsara are all Buddha’s world and he is at ease whatever he does and wherever he goes.


  From the first pass of achieving enlightenment to the last stage of attaining ultimate enlightenment, the most crucial stage is the second which is reinforcing Dharma practice. One’s achievement depends on the efforts one makes as well as the comprehension ability one possesses. However, as long as one tries hard enough, this is the only way and also the most direct shortcut. An enlightened practitioner is complete clear about the whole process of Buddhahood attainment, which he must go through sooner or later. Clear understanding about the process keeps him from indolence and leads him to sooner achievement.

【五】悟后才會有真修行 Real Practice After Enlightenment


  Entering Dharma practice means treading on the right path of Buddhahood attainment, the precondition of which is achieving enlightenment and seeing the Buddha nature. After being enlightened, one sees the right direction and destination clearly. He shall attain Buddhahood through reinforced practice. To be liberated from Samsara, the life nature or the Buddha nature is the right way. The practice of our heart is the practice of our nature, or the practice of the Buddha nature. Keeping our heart in the Buddha nature without any differentiations or attachments is real Dharma practice. Except our Buddha nature, anything else is extra and useless. Real Dharma practice goes directly into the Buddha nature without any attachments or efforts.


  Thus, one shall naturally be free from the endless movements of the mind, which all sentient beings are attached to in Samsara. As a result, he will be free from all such worldly contaminations as thoughts, concepts, ideas or habits, hence eradicating all pains and vexations, confusions and perplexities. In this way, one gets far away from Samsara. Such practitioners neither chant the Buddha’s name nor pray for living in a Buddha’s world after death. He shall clearly see the Buddha nature and the nature of life all the time, without any attachments. He feels neither inferior nor arrogant in any circumstances. He lives in Nirvana all the time, with a clean, clear, easy and free heart.


Translated by Diana Zhang


